Kia Ora Trainer

Kevin Hubbard personal trainer bio photo

Kevin Hubbard

Level III - Personal Trainer, dotFit Nutrition Certified


B.S. Exercise Science, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Certified


Running, snowboarding, camping, working out, kayaking, paddle boarding

Fitness Philosophy

It's called "working out" for a reason. It may take a little bit of work, but if you stick with it, the results can last a lifetime and make life more enjoyable.


Running is my outlet. I finished my first marathon in 2011, and from then on I was hooked. 2017 marked my 10th marathon finish. If I'm not at the gym, you'll find me enjoying the outdoors: hiking, paddle boarding, and snowboarding.

I graduated with a B.S. degree in Exercise Science from Eastern Washington University. In 2006, I became a certified ACE Personal Trainer, and joined Kia Ora. As an employee, I have been everything from the front desk, to clean up crew, barbeque grill master, and even Santa Clause! I've taught Les Mills BodyPump, Core, and BodyAttack. In 2011, I kicked off my group training Boot camp, which is still going strong Tuesday and Thursday mornings.