
for Intense Exercisers

We believe this is important, but also that care must be taken to get it right. Read on to understand why.

Multiple dotFIT nutrition products

As exercise sessions become more advanced, you will find that getting the right nutrients into your body at the right time can greatly enhance your ability to perform and recover from intense efforts. The combination of consistently putting in the work, supplying the proper nutrients and rest patterns is key to realizing benefits and achieving results. As all 3 components get dialed in, a synergistic effect emerges that boosts your outcome significantly.

Why Supplement?

Some have argued that there should be no need for supplementation when we make proper food choices. While there may be some truth to this, there are at least 3 reasons why we believe this argument fails for most everyone.

  1. As demonstrated in the charts on the Nutrition page, people significantly lack adherence to the principles of nutrition that lead to healthy living. Whether by ignorance or lack of determination or desire, most people simply are not doing very well.
  2. The matter of having the right nutrients available for growth and recovery present at optimal levels at the time your body needs them. There is a window of opportunity following exercise in which the nutrients must be present to be utilized. If the right nutrients are not present at the time they are needed, the opportunity for optimal recovery is missed.
  3. The challenge of getting the optimal level of nutrients without over consuming calories in the process. This item is related to item number 1, but failure is determined by another measure.

Supplementation can overcome these challenges allowing boosted nutrition that can provide the nutrients not only for good overall health, but specifically for recovery and rebuilding following exercise. And it can do so without extra calories that could lead to unwanted weight gain.

While on the subject, a bit of caution is in order. Not all supplements are equal. Care should be taken to ensure that the supplements you take are safe, high quality, and scientifically sound for your intended use. The amounts you take should also be supported by science.

This is why we promote

products to members of Kia Ora Fitness. The research of clinical trials, medical screening and considerations synergy with other products provide for safety and effectiveness. The use of controlled release delivery allow the products to reach their target more efficiently. The submission to multiple levels of 3rd party testing from raw ingredients to finished product guarantee product purity and potency. And on top of all that, the company demonstrates a level of integrity through transparency and openness with product information that is rare, if not unequalled, in the supplement industry. All of this results in a superior product for the consumer.

Check out our dotFIT page for more details about the development and manufacturing processes that make these products stand out from the rest of the supplement market.

Timing Matters

Above it was mentioned that a key to maximizing benefits of performance nutrition is getting the right nutrients to the right place at the right time. Timing matters because much of your body’s muscular recovery and development happen within a window of time just after workouts or performance events.

Use Pre & Post Snacks to Maximize Performance and Pre/Post Workout Formula & Meal Replacement are interesting articles by dotFIT that address this subject. In particular, note the research data chart presented at the bottom of the second article. Both groups were using the same diet and supplements. The difference in results were due to the timing of supplementation. This clearly shows there are greater results achievable by proper nutritional timing.